Monday, July 7, 2008

onli been 2 dayz!

hey this is my first blog and it seems to be will be writng on all the time so i better gget used to it. Yesterday was the first day we came and we all tried to meet each other in sum weird wayz. but we had some laughs here n there. evrybody was on they chill unpacking and meeting new roomies and friends. my roomies name is ashley we been chillen with other ppl tht dont want to be nmed and keiyanna. Yesterdaay we chilled nd the lounge and chille d with a bunch of ppl. WE had some questions asked by castell and talked amongst sekou, diamante, clay and keiyanna. we all been chillen toggether and talkin.
not really feelin the wake up times but ill manage sum kinda way. we had class at 9 in the mornin makin us feel like we have summer school. its been a long day 3 classes but we had some breaks here and there. its been a really long rainy tiring day but we gonna be finished ina couple minutes or hours but i really dont know.

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